My name is Anand Tadkod, I'm your "Freedom Transformator" and my only missions now is to;
“Help 1,000,000 People Live a Lifestyle of Freedom, HELPING Them get FREEDOM from Autoimmune Disorders & Identify & Attain Their Full Potential in their Overall Career & Health, Giving Them Freedom TO LIVE LIFE THEIR TERM.
I transform Ordinary people to Extraordinary and get them free from their autoimmune disorders using my Proven GUT healing Methods & I also Coach others to Identify & Attain their Full potential in their overall LIFE > Health, Wealth & Peace of Mind through the Proven GUT healing Methods and my proven Mindset training Techniques & which I learnt from some of World Best Personal Development & Health Mentors like Late Bob Proctor, Blair Singer, T Harv Eker, Dr Bruce Lipton , Dr BM Hegde and more...
& I'm a slo a member of tribe of people where my Fellow Team Members Coach them towards becoming "FREEDOMpreneur's" by building a powerful business on the Internet= Online
In short, In the course of Reversing your Psoriasis Or otherwise You can also Identify & Resolve all of your burning questions like what are you best at, what's your purpose of Life, Why I'm stuck in Life, Why do I hit a glass ceiling every-time, Which career is the best for me, Why I'm afraid of taking decisions, Why is my Digestive system so bad, Why Do you think the way you think, How can I excel in my present Business / Profession... a lot more & Start attaining the Dream Life Of Freedom OR Start building A Simple But Powerful Business Online which can make your Financial Free & You Can Also live A Lifestyle of Freedompreneur; To Live and Work From Anywhere In The World.
& If you you are one WITHOUT an Autoimmune disorder and you have landed here on this page, then also.
I truly appreciate that you are here and value your time as I value YOU
I would like to develop a virtual relationship with you and would like to share a bit of a background of myself;
I had been suffering from Psoriasis for the past 25 years and now I have been free from it for the past 4 years but let me admit with small and unnoticeable reappearances about 5 to 10% of what I had when I had Psoriasis, and but this is eventually to go forever.
I won’t write that I did it all naturally and with my secret diet kind of thing, NO, but through 3 point triangle formula, Lifestyle, Diet, & Mindset all of which I gathered from my mentors (Doctors In Natural healing process), Life Science Doctors, Life coach, My family, and my Spiritual Gurus. It was not at all possible without these all forces and support standing behind me for me to take this holistic approach towards my life and Psoriasis.
From whatever I have experienced in getting out from Psoriasis is, that it’s not a disease, it’s a condition, a lifestyle disorder, and hence a whole sum approach towards cleansing and correcting life course is the only way out. In fact, there are no diseases at all but there are only disorders in this Bio & Ecological life cycle created by the creator. Think it like “it’s a reminder given to correct the course”
I very well understand how Psoriasis affects from believing “what we are”, in “doing what we can” and “becoming what we want to” in both our Personal and Professional life.
Hence, the approach to this Freedom should be from understanding self and correcting self with the right KNOWLEDGE of life and its offerings to us. In doing so it will just not take you off from Psoriasis but will also give you different lenses towards your entire life and the approach ahead.
In this Journey when with Psoriasis I had always been seeking freedom, freedom from Psoriasis off course, and freedom to work on my terms and work from anywhere in the world, WHY, primarily because deep down I was regretting having Psoriasis and this was tying me down.
And in this seeking of Freedom I have been an Employee a Freelancers, a Consultant, a Coach, a Business Owner, AND now a FREEDOMpreneur;
I now have almost mastered (must say keep mastering) Personal Development Coaching & the present art of Internet Marketing and Building Business on the Internet and with my fellow group team members Digital product selling, thanks to my Mentor to whom I have surrendered to and since then it’s a fantastic journey with clarity and Freedom.
Stepping out in the Wild World
While in my college days itself I had Psoriasis and Post my College days in 1994, I stated working for a local Construction Company, though my Father had a construction company he put me out the wild world to self learn the world.
It was a moment for me to understand why so, when other friends who had their family company joined them but me, anyways I dint take it that hard on me and I continued, the sense of learning had already kicked in here it was fun learning the piratical way, and I slogged.
Other colleagues working with me when they got to know that my father had his own construction company tend to change the way looking at me except two of them but I didn't change the way I worked and my relationships. I had really worked hard to cope with this up then another moment...
It was 1996, I had spent 2 yrs in the local Company by now & I was hustling again to learn more, and by this time I had understood that Practical skills matter the most while schooling and college degrees are just formalities and I was absolutely right Yo! in not mastering those schooling habits.
While in this mind frame there came up a newspaper ad of "Ericsson" the Telecom Giant asking for Civil Engineers, by this time I was aware of Pagers as I was using one and the only one in my Local company been given this (Pride),
I wasn't aware of Ericsson at all that time, I asked two of my colleagues and they were not interested but I was curious to know what could a Telecom company do with Civil Engineers so I applied.
A month later I got a interview call letter and I got selected but on a 6 months contract and I agreed (eager to learn), there was my boss a Swedish and another one British who interviewed me, another turning point in my life.
The job was quite simple to supervise tower foundations and tower erection, though this was new to me, the best thing was the kind of attention, Training's and Quality checks which were imposed and implemented religiously.
But a question came up, for such a simple job they pay so high with all these facilities, I had to convince myself a lot to stay ON and continue, I use to talk to myself and say to myself that someone has to do this & will be doing this then why not me?
I started making positive commitments to myself while my other part of my mind was making me pull out saying these are small job look at what you were doing earlier real Civil Engineering,
It was hard and I stayed ON. I started travelling even with Psoriasis troubling me, my first Air Travel and working in other states, while spending 2 yrs on rolling 6 months contacts, which dint bother me really as I was learning a hell of a lot of People & Telecom, Radio Frequencies, Switches, Transmission all from my colleagues and thanks to all of them accommodating me,
as I was only one odd out there, A Civil Engineer. I made some fabulous friends who made a pro-founding impact on my life ,& I'm in regular touch with them now also. It was like one big family, & these were the Values Ericsson taught us. & this grew on me & I still Wear & Swear them The 3 Value Pillars Of Ericsson.
Professionalism. We listen to our customers, work hard to deliver beyond their expectations, and keep our commitments from start to finish.
Respect. We build our strength through a shared vision with unified teams, foster a culture that inspires others, and use diversity as a strength to ensure equal opportunities for everyone.
Perseverance. We always deliver results both internally and externally, go the extra mile, and are committed to lead the change that has made us a trusted global partner for more than a century.
As I was the only one odd in Ericsson rest of my Colleagues being from the core were sent on training's abroad and I use to wonder when would I? This started to pull me out every day to work to be like them.
I was in Delhi for a training standing in my Guest House balcony late night in GK II area, and I saw a KLM flight taking off and I said to myself "I will fly with this airlines one day" I wasn't aware what was KLM then and where was it heading to.
Then came my day when my boss moved on to another assignment to Israel and he called on me and my close Friend to join him to work with him, It was a six months contract and I had to terminate the present contact here and then join there,
I agreed, not bothered what next, I knew it will taken care, and guess what I flew my first international flight with KLM, and those days I was reading a book "Positive Imagining" by Norman Vincent Peale.... Then on I was dead sure that Positive Imagining works and it bloody works to the core.
There on it was no looking back I worked & travelled in 15 countries for 15 years, most on contracts and even on a short one as 3 months. I just left everything to take care to "The Higher One Up There" and I was just indulged in learning and relearning
My two father figure's from Ericsson one Indian & another Swedish. One of them a Colonel- Indian Army our VP Operations use to call on to me to go on an assignment at night & the next day I had to be there and I use to be bloody there... "By Order" The Level of Commitment & Trust (Good things are there for me and it will be taken care). Words from the Colonel with Respect still ring my bells “ It’s all in the Mind “
Even after my Marriage I use to travel like this and my wife Savita supported me 1000% and she also got used to living by and in a Suitcase.
I moved up the ladder from a Site Engineer to a Project Manager then to a Program Manager/ Director and then to a COO for a while managing 3 countries and supporting the Sub Saharan region lastly
2006 I was in Kolkata -EAST India for a short assignment from Sri Lanka and my Father was diagnosed with Cancer while he was at Younger brother's place in Chennai, it shattered us all, especially my Younger Brother, he was my fathers dearest. He stayed on there for a while then went back to Pune where we lived.
Year 2007 the cancer started spreading and I decided that I will stay with him, but my work dint allow so I resigned Ericsson to Join Nokia in Pune. But this was such short lived, just for 2 months.
I resigned Nokia within a month as I dint gel with that culture of people, I came from a very different culture all together. And 2 days after I resigned Nokia my father got hospitalised while I was not there in Pune and I had to rush back the same day.
His health went so bad that we lost him in the next 45 days...
It was a huge Void never to be filled and I still feel it but not to that extent though because I hear his voice of "Continuing The Journey No Matter What" I know how happy he gets, when, I make happen those things what I’m on to, I carry his legacy.
Life Moves on... The Cycle of Life... Joy now, A Miracle
Until 2008 my wife Savita had gone through all in Medical filed for us to have a baby & they weren't successful and then we left to the creator knowing that we can’t do much in this.
Guess what, My wife was carrying in 2008, I moved her to Hubli her home town and mine too and in 2009 we were blessed with a baby Girl. We were blessed with a baby after 7 yrs of our marriage while the top doctors had given up.
Sometime in 2009 after she was born I looked back in time & I realized that it was my mental block which I had kept, afraid of my daughter getting Psoriasis what I had then. Once I let that block go the miracle happened, why I say it a Miracle...
Because, most don't realise it because they get a baby post their marriage in the normal process not knowing what really goes in making that>EVEN in the artificial insemination OR the Fertility expert have got to know till date only the first 3 steps of this Fertility which happens of the total 8 steps. The medical science has still not been able to understand and replicate outside a women womb the liquid membrane in which the baby breaths and grows for those 9 months.. Surprised?
Yr 2010 I look back and I realise that I was always was an Entrepreneur, 90% of my work life till then was on a contractual basis as a consultant OR as a Freelancer naturally because of the Psoriasis I had.
I started my Entrepreneurial journey outside the Telecom and Ericsson world in 2010 when finally I resigned from Ericsson when I was in Mumbai.
My Wife was in Hubli since 2008 and post our daughter delivery. I use to visit them from Kolkata and & later from Mumbai every weekend almost.
Doing that traveling every weekend, I started realising something very significant
I was very well placed in my life and in my Job and was in my comfort zone
I was travelling places
I was working with a big corporate and at a very good level, feeling good, though down mentally at times because of Psoriasis.
Not aware of the world outside my comfort zone and the corporate world
That hustling to know that, was there a world outside this comfort zone? & my identify to myself was my Ericsson world and that something was incomplete
When I realised that it was to comfy and too early in age, and I was hustling to get to know what’s that incomplete... I was in a rat race after all... • • That was the realisation!! The Aha Moment!!
Then on I went behind my dream of becoming an entrepreneur/Franchisor
Left Ericsson and started my own Dairy Farm rearing 60 Buffalo's. From the Milk production of 600 lit a day, started an Ice Cream and a Milk Shake Brand.
I thought I was aware of Brands, traveling the world, and decided to make a brand and franchise it. I did that, but did I succeed the first attempt ?, NO, I failed 4 times, yes 4, losing Multi Thousand $ to then get the formula right
I started reviving and helping Start Ups/ Business, make grow their revenues multi folds & Incubate Franchising Projects.
I did a Digital marketing course in the end of 2018 and use to market my own brands and help other brands also.
I started teaching Digital Marketing and selling Digital products, Affiliate Marketing and that triggered my Digital Entrepreneur now
I was just making about x figure Indian rupees doing so and as this had its own limitation in its Business Model, though it allowed me to work from anywhere.
By this time I still had Psoriasis pulling me down now and then but just because I had that right mindset I use to pull myself back on track.
In 2017 I decided to get rid of Psoriasis, one good thing was I never had used steroids and allopathic medicines, I was always on ayurvedic medicines and mostly on Coconut oil application. While abroad also I carried coconut oil and lived by it.
By this time I had read tons of articles on Psoriasis and meet a lot of people but none claiming CURE and non-talking sense. I can say so because I had started understanding it and I had lived with it for almost 25 years and I was the one suffering and they were not, they just wanted to experiment and make their business of fear go on.
And, then I discovered a Vaidya, and spot-on he was talking absolute sense and what I was looking for. I started with his treatment and methods and bang, the first result, but not only the medicine worked it was my mindset my diet my breathing exercises a holistic approach.
This was A Rebirth I tell you WOW!
All the puzzles and things started to fall in place slowly when this got corrected not to realise then but ONLY now when I look back in 2020, I see those life puzzles had scrambled and scattered to such an extent.
While professionally-looking on for a Business Model which doesn't have any limitation and gives me the true Lifestyle of Freedom and where I live and work from anywhere and also can help and touch Millions of People Life and create abundance helping the society to be a happy place to live
I meet my Mentor in mid-2019 to whom I have surrendered totally and now I'm on a digital coaching Journey as a Freedom Transformator
The reason I vouch on this Business Model is, after about 25 years of my Field Experience by working on a few even been a consultant and a Freelancer this Model thus far is the best for the Lifestyle Freedom Business. I have my Mentor and his mentor earning more than a $ Million a month now and a couple of $ Thousands in their passive income supporting their Lifestyle of Freedom.
Presently I have my Community with 110+ promising course takers and students who are committed and getting transformed for the "Lifestyle of Freedom Business"
I call this the “ Freedom Transformation Hub"
I now help people to get free from Psoriasis and step into their true potential by using their mind power to achieve whatever they put their mind to and get great results in selling their & others digital products through Affiliate Marketing and online coaching systems.
Earlier I used to Mentor Business owners in franchising and some in transforming their business and increase revenues.
In the last few months, I have been able to mentor people from all walks of life.
I now coach people in my Lifestyle Freedom Model how to get free from Psoriasis and create multiple streams of income using the internet living anywhere in the world
This includes correcting things and life, to get free from Psoriasis, and you to make $ money by Affiliate Marketing eco system, Digital Course Creation.
Besides, all these tech stuff I do… I’m a firm believer in living a life that’s simple.
I’m a life-long student of Personal Development and Spiritual Sciences. I'm Learner & re Learner
As It Is, I meditate every morning and believe that & I truly as said in Bhagavad Gita and our ultimate goal in life is to go back home, back to Godhead, the spiritual world.
Being a ‘minimalist’ at the core, I really don’t own too many things and live in a home where I have less, and do more.
I’m a son, a father of one beautiful daughter and husband of a loving wife and am currently based in Hubli (Karnataka),
Thanks to the power of the internet and scaling my business virtually, I work 100% from home spend loads of time with my Family with my Mother
I’m also against the current education systems and I'm trying to get my daughter on alternative education methods
I love trekking, hiking, driving & traveling & discovering places, be in their culture to better understand them, like to taste their different foods, as that's where it connects ultimately
I’m here to help you live an inspired life free of Psoriasis and create wealth by doing what you love, by following your true calling and purpose in life, and in turn give back to the world, through these gifts of your talents and abilities.
I'm really looking forward to knowing more about you. Let’s be in touch, follow me on Facebook & Youtube channel make sure you give your details by scrolling down below.
I truly feel that this journey of mine has given me a purpose in life.
I’m here to carry forward my Father's legacy
I'm on a mission to help Millions to live a Lifestyle of Freedom- live a Happy, Healthy Psoriasis Free & Prosperous Lifestyle
Living & Working From anywhere in the world >
And I’m glad that you are here
I would love to help you achieve your goals
As much I have very basic needs for myself, I have a high ambition to make money and create an impact in the world thru social entrepreneurship
If you are able to resonate with my vision, then let’s stay connected
I’m glad that you got to learn more about me thru this page
You are awesome !!
You are my next success story
Towards your freedom,
Anand Tadkod (Andy)
Want To Make 2024 Your Way ?
Learn How To Reverse Your Psoriasis All Naturally, Without Any Side Effects Ever, and Without Using Any Steroids And Make the coming 2024 Your Way & Ever After....